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Rodney is a retired U.S. Navy Chief with 24 years of Military Service. He also spent 13 years in Law Enforcement. His Military and Law Enforcement experience encompassed a variety of duties which included U.S. Navy Chief Security Force Supervisor, Emergency Management, Master Training Specialist and trained with U.S. and Foreign Special Forces.
Other qualifications include:
Apollos is a U.S. Navy veteran with over 9 years of experience as a Gunner’s Mate (GM 2) Petty Officer Second Class. He is trained and experienced in Anti-Terrorism, Force Protection, Physical Security and NCB/VBSS (Non-compliant Visit Boarding Search and Seizure). GM2 is well-versed in the maintenance and repair of a wide range of firearms and stands as GAFASTA’s head Armorer and Senior Firearms Instructor. Apollos has been involved with firearms and shooting sports since the age of six through programs such as the Boy Scouts of America and Project Appleseed.
Stacy is currently working on her Senior Pistol Firearms Instructor Certification.
Stacy holds the position of GAFASTA Public Relations Officers and Financial Adviser.
Stacy works a full-time job at Heilind as a Customer Business Manager, but also enjoys being an integral part of the GAFASTA team.
Patrick is a Mechanical Engineer by Degree, but his passion for firearms comes in all forms of shooting.
He is a competitor in:
Patrick frequents Sporting Clays + 5 Stand (Competitive Shotgun Shooting).
When he is not shooting in competition, he also very active in supporting gun rights on Local, State, and National levels.
Patrick is a Certified Instructor, Range Safety Officer, and Life Member through the NRA.
Jeff Southerland grew up around firearms and learned to shoot at a very young age marking the beginning of a lifetime in firearms experience.
Jeff has extensive knowledge of a wide range of firearms, weaponry and federal rules and regulations on the transfers and sale of firearms as the Hunting Department Manager for Atlanta Bass Pro Shops.
Jeff is also highly skilled in the design and assemblage of rifles, AR-15’s, and handguns, as well as the installation of shooting accessories and the production of ammunition.
Jeff is currently working on his Senior Pistol Firearms Qualifications.
Chuck Hicks started early in life participating in Boy Scouts and YMCA Summer Camp where he learned at an early age about gun safety, recreational and sport shooting. Chuck believes guns represent family bonding, recreation, as well as home and personal protection.
Chuck is GAFASTA’s Rome representative where he teaches basic pistol safety training courses.
Chuck is active in church, community service and is the CEO and Owner of Three Rivers Graphics.
Robin Smith is the Director of Security and Lead Security Officer at his church in New Florence Pa.
Robin is an NRA certified basic pistol
firearms instructor and GAFASTA House of Worship firearms instructor since 2020.
John served 6 years in the United States Air Force stationed at Grand Forks AFB, North Dakota.
Staff Sgt. Dempsey worked as a certified jet mechanic servicing F4E Phantom, F105 Thunder Chief, B52 Stratofortress, B66 Destroyer, KC135 Air Refueling Tanker and the A7 Corsair and NCOIC Phase Dock Inspections. John earned his bachelors of Science degree in Electronic Engineering Technology at DeVry University and served as a Journeyman Electrician, United States Labor Department.
John was the Founder, Owner and President of Sport Shooting Firearms and Supplies Gun Store since 2010
3161 State Hwy 11
Monroe, Ga. 30656
(770) 530-5630
Georgia Firearms and
Security Training Academy
4606 Elk Ridge Ct, Suite E,
Flowery Branch, GA 30542
Website created by Tafgraphics Design Studio, Inc.